Wesley Kids
On Sunday after the children’s moment, children in Kindergarten through 3rd grade are invited to attend Wesley Kids with our great rotation of trained and experienced ministry volunteers. They will engage the scripture at an age-appropriate level with games and activities, and then return to the Sanctuary in time for communion and the close of the worship service.
Youth Group
Youth meet every Sunday from 9:15 to 10:15 for Sunday School. After Sunday School they are invited to worship in the Sanctuary with their families.
Youth Group meets Wednesdays from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. for dinner, games, and a Bible study with Carson Wright, our Youth Leader, and adult sponsors.
Art and Music Camp, Vacation Bible School, and Summer Camps
Every year, Wesley holds a wonderful summer Art and Music Camp that culminates in a performance offered to the congregation and community. We also have Bible Boot Camp, VBS, and a variety of summer and winter camps and retreats through the Oklahoma Conference of the UMC and the Crossroads District of the UMC.