wesley kids montessori preschool
"A Nurturing Environment for Your Child to Learn and Grow"Wesley Kids Montessori is an American Montessori Society (AMS) member school offered by Wesley United Methodist Church in Oklahoma City, in partnership with Oklahoma City University.
Our Environment
Wesley is a mixed-age Montessori classroom for emerging 3-year-old to 6-year-old children. Our school day is 9:00 am-2:00 pm four days per week (Monday-Thursday).
A Montessori environment is a beautiful example of community. Life isn’t
segregated by age, and communities are not divided into peer groups. Age does not dictate social or academic developmental level. The mixed-age environment eliminates competition, as every child is at a different stage of learning unique to their own development. It encourages peer-to-peer interactions and provides rich opportunities for building social and academic skills. Younger students benefit from learning opportunities presented by being in a classroom with older peers, while older students benefit from the internal reward of being a good role model or guide. The older students can solidify their learning and test their knowledge by reaching the highest form of learning, which is teaching. The younger students can see the repetition in works that they are not quite ready to do but are able to observe and gain familiarity. This mutually beneficial environment unfolds within the Montessori environment through the direct participation of the teachers in understanding where each child is within their learning and meeting them there.
Location: 1401 NW 25th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73106
Telephone: (405) 525-3521
Email: montessori@wesleyokc.org
School Hours: Monday-Thursday, 9a-2p
Learn By Doing
Practical Life
The goals of the Practical Life materials include the development of order, coordination, concentration, independence, and in many instances, cooperation. The exercises encourage care of self, care of environment, food preparation, art activities, and practice with social relations.
The very young child must be helped in acquiring the ability to separate and classify forms, colors, textures, and scents. The development of the child’s senses takes place before that of his intellectual abilities. Refinement of the senses and development of skills in thinking, judging, concentrating, comparing, sequencing, and so forth is preparation for learning in math, reading, and writing.
Language development is aided by activities and materials which encourage speaking, listening, conversing, symbolizing, and ultimately, reading, writing, and language analysis. It is sequentially based phonics approach. The materials are primarily metal insets, the sandpaper letters, and the movable alphabet.
Young children need numerous experiences with manipulatives in order to understand mathematical concepts and develop a logical, life-long approach to problem solving. Emphasis is on logical thinking, developing the concepts of quantity, number recognition and sequencing, matching numbers to quantities, addition and subtraction and using numbers to represent the world.
A Word
From Our Director
” Welcome to Wesley Kids Montessori Preschool. We are thrilled to have your family partner with us in providing a nurturing environment for your child to learn and grow. We are excited to open the Montessori Preschool here at Wesley.
We invite you to communicate with us often in person or over the phone. We encourage you to ask questions and share ideas.
Please join us in making the coming year one of joyous discovery for your child.”
– Tai Allen
Our School
Facilities and Organizations
Wesley Kids Montessori Preschool is a ministry of Wesley United Methodist Church in Oklahoma City, and is a learning site for the American Montessori Society Certification Program for Oklahoma City University. As such, Wesley Kids Montessori Preschool benefits from an updated, clean, secure, and creative space for your child to grow and benefits from teachers who are all certified through the American Montessori Society.
A Supportive Environment
Wesley United Methodist Church names the flourishing of children and students as one of its core values. The congregation invests in the program to ensure that your child grows and you feel a community of love and support for your child and your family.
Engaging Curriculum
Our Practical Life, Sensorial, Language, and Mathematics curriculum will help your child learn by doing in a mixed-age environment. The mutually beneficial interactions between older and younger students and teachers will prepare your child with social and academic skills.
Grace and Courtesy Together at the Table
Food exploration, grace and courtesy, and mealtime socialization are wonderful
opportunities for children to gain critical social skills and independence. There will be many
opportunities throughout the day for children to prepare and interact with food items as
well as share in a snack with a classmate. These snacks are not meant to replace a meal.
They are simply opportunities to practice trying new foods, and grace and courtesy.
Sharing a lunch time experience and having the opportunity to bring a lunch to school
comes with a great since of independence and pride. Napkins and table linens will be
supplied by the school. Please provide utensils should your child need them for their meal.
Tables will be set with pitchers of water and small cups will be provided. Children’s lunches
should be easily accessible for them as well as manageable in terms of opening containers
and preparing their set up. Allow your child to practice opening and closing their containers
to ensure their independence prior to sending them to school. Healthy, while nutritious
foods work best. Please keep your child’s lunch simple. Usually 3-4 items works well.
Additional Activities
Your child will have the opportunity to learn in our raised bed gardens, play on our safe and secured outdoor playground, and will have access to multiple learning stations within the classrooms.
Garden Time Activities
With Montessorian Charlotte Wood-WilsonBlog
Parent Newsletters and Calendars
Watch for monthly newsletters, calendars, and updates from our teachers that will be viewable here and will also be sent to you electronically or home with your child.